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DatumPlatsKonferensinformationKonferensens hemsida
26-27 november 2020Online

EFMI STC2020: Integrated Citizen centered digital health and social care – Citizens as data producers and service co-creators

Call for Papers.

Full papers and Posters are welcome on topics including (but not limited to):

  • Tools and technologies to support citizen centered digital services
  • Capacity building to enhance the development and use of digital services
  • Confidentiality, data integrity and data protection to guarantee trustworthy services
  • Citizen safety in digital services
  • Effectiveness and impacts of citizen digital and integrated health and social services
  • Evaluation approaches and methods for digital services
  • Usability, usefulness and user acceptance of digital services
  • Guidelines for successful implementation of digital services for citizen


10-11 november 2020

Lillestrøm (Norge) / Online

EHiN 2020

Norges motsvarighet till svenska Vitalis. Vänligen läs mer på konferensens hemsida.

EHiN 2020

5-6 november 2020

Göteborg / Online

Dagar om Lagar 2020

Vänligen läs mer på konferensens hemsida.

Dagar om Lagar 2020
21-23 oktober 2020Online

2nd Europe-China Health Summit

Preliminärt program 

Länk till anmälan   


14-16 september 2020


pHealth 2020

The 2020 edition of pHealth will emphasize the interrelated aspects framing ubiquitous pervasive health: mobile technologies, wellness, micro-nano-bio smart systems, bio-data management and analytics for personalized health, precision medicine and virtual care. It also addresses new potential risks for security and privacy as well as safety chances and challenges, the motivation of patients in care processes by game and gamification, and health systems challenges in developing countries. The intended outcome is intelligent and connected health devices and services leading to integrated care. The multilateral benefits of pHealth technologies for all stakeholder communities give enormous potential, not only for medical quality improvement and industrial competitiveness, but also for managing health care costs and, last but not least, improving patient experiences. One topic of the 2020 event will address opportunities and challenges of AI and robots in healthcare.

Paper submission deadline: 18 May 2020

pHealth 2020
17-18 september 2020Kalmar / Online

The International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR)-konferensen 

Förlängd deadline för konferensbidrag: 15 april, 2020.

Vänligen läs mer på konferensens hemsida.

ISHIMR-konferensen 2020
3-5 juli 2020Aten / Online

ICIMTH 2020 Conference. The 18th Annual Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare 

Prolonged paper Deadline: April 24

5-7 maj 2020Göteborg


Konferensen erbjuder utbildning och utblick inom eHälso-området. Seminarierna spänner över allt ifrån övergripande myndighetsinformation till fördjupning och exempel från införanden. Här ges verktyg som är viktiga för dig som jobbar med eHälsofrågor, oavsett om du jobbar med patient eller är beslutande ledare eller politiker.


Vitalis 2020
28 april - 1 maj 2020Genève


The European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) welcomes you to the 30th Medical Informatics Europe conference (MIE) at the Geneva International Conference Center (CICG). This conference is organized in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the State of Geneva (Geneva), the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG).

CANCELLED. Accepted papers will be published as usual.

MIE 2020
24-25 mars 2020Kalmar

Svenska Läkaresällskapets (SLS) eHälsodagar 2020


SLS eHälsodagar 2020